Name of the project:
Implementation of methanol recovery technology at Rossi Biofuel Zrt.
Number of the project:
Summary of the project:
The project implements changes in the three modules of the company’s biodiesel production lines that make it possible to add extra methanol during the production recovery in a quality that can be reused by reloading it into the production process. It requires investments for storing and moving of the changed freezing point of the soapy water. As part of the project, ISO 9001 and 14001 management systems were to be implemented as well.
Rossi Biofuel Zrt.
- Head office: H-2922 Komárom, Kőolaj u. 2.
- Mail address: H-2922 Komárom 6, Pf.3
- Tax Registration No.: 13654087-2-44
- Court of Registration: Komárom-Esztergom Megyei Bíróság
- Company Registration No.: Cg. 11-10-001628
- Telephone: + 36 34 540 830
- fax: +36 34 526 430
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cooperating organization:
MAG - Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ Zrt.
Gazdaságfejlesztési Operatív Program
1539 Budapest, Pf. 684